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About Me

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Hypnotherapy and Coaching in Essex with Linda Campling 




I was a shy child, an honour student, and a perfectionist, who hated the limelight. I became a middle manager in stressful jobs and trained hundreds of people as part of my role. After several personal tragedies, I found help and now I help others overcome their issues to be the best they can be.


I was one of those very, very shy children that wouldn't say boo to a goose. I liked not having to deal with the real world by reading fiction and I could lose myself swimming lengths in a pool.  I was scared of being shouted at and tried to become perfect to avoid that.  Luckily, I was clever and did very well at school. Throughout my life there came times when I realised that I needed to change and I did, but just a little.  I got my BSc with a little difficulty, though got 78% in the end.  I got married, came to the UK, and supported my husband through his third university degree. My mum died the same year I got married, then my father-in-law, and then my dad died 4 years after my mum.  I worked in the public sector, gradually developing my career. During that time I got pregnant 5 times without success - a very emotional six years of miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and unsuccessful IVF treatment.  Then my husband announced he'd fallen in love with someone else and that was the beginning of the destruction of my marriage.  I did an MBA in 89/91 and threw myself into my career.  By the mid-90s I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown, but talking about mental illness was taboo and could kill a career. So I soldiered on, coping as best I could.  Like most women, I have had many negative sexual experiences throughout my life.  In 1997 I met a wonderful woman through a reflexology session who helped me work through all those difficult personal times.  A mind-body practitioner, she encouraged me to learn Rei-ki so that I could use the energy to help myself.  I had always enjoyed learning new things and a new world of personal development and complementary therapies opened before me.

And ... I got rid of my phobia of earwigs.

I undertook training with Brandon Bays in The Journey process based on NLP.  The more I learned, the more I believed that there was a strong mind-body connection to physical and emotional illness.  Looking for quicker ways to clear emotional issues, I embarked on several years studying different healing therapies whilst working daily in the public sector, using my skills to help friends, family and work colleagues.  I continue to study to increase my ability to help my clients.

I coached and mentored staff throughout my corporate career, then decided to get a coaching certification.

Some other training undertaken are listed below.  In working with you I listen carefully to you and use my intuition and experience to tailor your session.  If you want to know more about the techniques please see the Techniques page.


    Psy-TAP(TM) and VCART(TM)  (One of only 300 Practitioners in the world)

    HeartMath (TM)  (stress self-management and resilience for both                    individuals and groups)

    TFT (Thought Field Therapy) to VT Level (TM)

    OldPain2Go (c)

    Energetic NLP(TM) Levels 1 - 5 


    Kinetic Shift(TM)

    NLP(TM) (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)



    Reconnection(TM) Healing

    Reflective Repatterning(TM)


    Theta Healing(TM)

    The Emotion Code(TM)


I also have a BSc in Biology, and an MBA and I am an ACILEx (Ret.).


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